Friday, May 31, 2019
John Collier and the Indian New Deal Essay -- American History
John Collier and the Indian New DealAt the beginning of the twentieth century, indwelling American culture was on the edge of extinction. Indians were at the bottom of the economic ladder. They had the lowest life expectancy tramp, the highest infant mortality rate, the highest suicide rate and the highest rate of alcoholism than any other group in America. The Meriam Report of 1928, an 872-page study, laid the blame at the foot of the federal Government. When President Franklin Delano Roosevelt took office 1933, a series of major reforms were implemented that would later come to be known as the Indian New Deal. An important chapter in contemporary Native American history was about to begin. This essay will outline the major elements of the Indian New Deal and examine its achievements, failures and criticism.A critical analysis of the Indian New Deal would not be complete without a brief history of its progenitor, John Collier. His career started in 1907 as a social actor with the Peoples Institute in New York City. During his time with the institute, Collier developed a social ideology based on the preservation of pagan traditions and communal life. In 1920, he found himself among the Pueblo tribe of New Mexico. Collier became enchanted with their sense of community, believing it to be an affirmation of his views on social policy. From this time period on, he was at the forefront of the Indian reform movement. In 1923, Collier and other reformers founded the American Indian Defense Association, an organization committed to ending refine allotment and preserving Native American culture. At the request of Secretary of Interior Harold L. Ickes, President Roosevelt selected Collier to oversee the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA). Immedia... ...7.William T. Hagan, American Indians ( lolly University of Chicago Press, 1993) 176.Vine Deloria, Jr. ed., American Indian Policy in the Twentieth Century (Norman University of Oklahoma Press 1985) 43.Vine Deloria, Jr. and Clifford M. Lytle, American Indians, American Justice (Austin University of Texas Press, 1983) 99.Emma R. Gross, Contemporary Federal Policy Towards American Indians (New York Greenwood Press 1989) 20.U.S. Congress, Committee on Indian Affairs, Hearings on H.R. 7781 Indian Conditions and Affairs, 74th Congress, 1st Session, 1935, p.744.Terry L. Anderson, Sovereign Nations or Reservations? An Economic History of American Indians (San Francisco Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy 1995) 144.Vine Deloria, Jr. ed., American Indian Policy in the Twentieth Century (Norman University of Oklahoma Press 1985) 93.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Computer Ergonomics In The Workplace :: Workplace Health and Safety
Business strive for high production at low cost. This would impart in thehighest profit for a company. To many businesses, this is only a mirage. Thisis beca aim the low cost of the business usually results in a high cost forthe employees. This high cost is lower quality piece of work items, lower salaries,less benefits, etc. These costs create an upset workplace environment.Companies understand that the more efficient their workers be, the moreproductive their business pull up stakes become. Although this will take lots of money atfirst, the result will be extreme success. There exist many different things inthe workplace that summate to stress and injuries. They range from lifting heavyboxes to typing too much on the keyboard. This paper will be focusing on theprincipals of ergonomics in the data processor workstation. According to the Board ofCertification for Professional Ergonomists (BCPE), the definition of ergonomics"is a body of knowledge about human abilities, human limitations and humancharacteristics that are applicable to design. Ergonomic design is theapplication of this body of knowledge to the design of tools, machines, systems,tasks, jobs, and environments for safe, comfortable and effective humanuse."(BCPE, 1993) In the average computer workstation, employees are prone to all over a dozen hazards. There exist two factors that can prevent this forminggood work habits and ergonomically designed computer workstations. We will wrangle these preventions throughout the paper.First, a few terms may need defining. Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI) takesplace from the repeated physical movements of certain body parts which resultsin damage to tendons, nerves, muscles, and otherwise soft body tissues. If theseinjuries are not taken allot of immediately, permanent damage could be done. Afew common results of RSIs that were not taken care of right away are injurieslike Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Tendentious, Tenosynovitis, DeQuervains Syndrome, Thoracic Outlet Syndrome etc. All of these are able to be prevented by the useof good working habits and ergonomic engineering.i Usually, ergonomicallydesigning a computer workstation would cost about $1000. This expense could beeliminated by the formation of good work habits. This is infixed for thesafety of computer terminal employees. There exist a number of precautions thatcan be taken into consideration when dealing with a computer workstation. Weshall discuss six of them. First, the whole body must be relaxed. The correctposture is shown in Figure 1. Notice that the arms and thighs are parallel tothe floor and the feet are flat on the floor. Also notice that the wrists arenot bent in any way. This is one of the most damaged parts of the body when
John Dalton :: Essays Papers
tooshie DalltonJohn Dalton was born in September 5,1766 in Eaglesfield in Cumberland, England. Dalton and his family lived in a meek country house. His family had been Quakers since 1690. Quakers where members of a society of friends. John had a brother named Mary and A brother named Charles, when he was born his brother was twelve years old(a) and his sister was devil years old. Daltons birth was not recorded, so when he grew up older he asked one of his relatives and got and answer which was his birthday. His parents were honest people and bang-up workers. His dad Joseph had land he had inherited were Dalton and his brother Charles help out(a) with the crop. His mother Deborah Greenup homespun textile Daltons sister help her too. John Daltons family were poor hardly although they were never hungry they were poorDalton was lucky he was a Quaker , other boys received little or no education, but as Quakers Dalton received a fair education at the closest Quaker instill . Fo r Dalton it was an achievement going to school since in those periods only one out of two-hundred and fifteen people could read. John Dalton went to the Quaker school at Pardshow Hall. Dalton was quick when it came to studies and in mathematical problems he was good and seem to be tireless of them. John Fletcher was Daltons teacher, he was a smart man who didnt use a rod to hammer in learning to Dalton, he was to provide Dalton with a excellent back-round and long quest for knowledge. Then came Elihu Robinson a rich Quaker gentlemen. who become Daltons mentor, and was another person to lead Dalton to mathematics , science, and specially meteorology. John Dalton had an intense fascination for meteorology he even in fact kept careful daily weather records for forty six straight years. When Dalton was twelve he opened his school in Eaglesfield. He was smaller than some boys so he was threatened by the older boys who wanted to fight with the young teacher. He managed to control t he kids for two years, but eventually due to poor salary Dalton return to work the land for his rich uncle. In 1785 Dalton and his brother opened another school this time at Kendall where Dalton had recently moved in. The school offered English, Latin, Greek, French, along with twenty one mathematics and science subjects.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
The Beauty of Language Essay -- Personal Reflection Essay
Your heart and soul cannot be simply defined as an anatomical organ. Although it functions to pump blood throughout the body, the true essence of the heart is more than deeper than science. The true essence of the heart lies somewhere within the limitless realm of art submersed in the passion that runs through your veins, it fiends desperately to be admired. My heart is filled with a love for writing. Besides writing to complete tasks and assignments, I write to unveil the beauty of language. This beauty, created simply with words, meaning, and punctuation, is matchless that is uniquely crafted by its author. I, same many writers, have learned what it means to truly craft a piece of work. Before entering college, I had become accustomed to writing one draft essays. I never appreciated or understood the need for multiple drafts and peer review. Interestingly enough, in my Introduction to Rhetoric course with Dr. bloody shame Lamb, we discussed the difference between one-drafters a nd multi-drafters. One-drafters, as the name might imply, usually complete writing tasks in one shot. They revise and edit during the writing process and often consider their work to be complete multi-drafters, on the other hand, write multiple drafts of their work and are continuously revising. As I have learned, neither writing style is necessarily better than other. This is because both types of writers are actively thinking about ways to better their work, whether it is by correcting grammatical errors or creating in the raw ideas. Needless to say, I was a devoted one-drafter, but for some of the wrong reasons. I was always convinced that my first draft was always my best work. This was chiefly because I did the majority of my revising and editing while writing (as I am doing ... ...elpful start to building my professional writing career. With each of these projects, I was given over at least some, and in many cases, a lot of flexibility to be creative. I learned the functi ons of different types of documents and audiences. I now appreciate and visualise the significance of rethinking my work and allowing change. I know that there is always room for improvement as every writer strives for some kind of perfection. Since entering college I have definitely witnessed my growth as a writer. I understand how words, grammar and usage each play a part in the meaning of language. However, as I continue to write, I know now that the true essence of writing comes from the heart. It is the passion that guides language although the brain allows us to function, it is the heart that keeps us breathing and my heart while forever be filled with a love for writing.
Nikola Tesla Essay -- essays research papers fc
"Were we to seize and eliminate from ourindustrial world the results of Mr. Teslas work,the wheels of industry would cease to turn, ourelectric cars and trains would stop, our townswould be dark, our mills would be dead and idle.Yes, so far reaching is his work that it has becomethe warp and woof of industry... His name marksan epoch in the fare of electrical science.From that work has sprung a revolution..." -B.A.Behrend If you were to go to an encyclopedia andtried to find out who invented the radio, X- rays,and the tube amplifier, this is what you would findradio was invented by Marconi, X- rays byRoentgen, and the tube amplifier by de Forest.While youre there, look to see who invented thefluorescent bulb, neon lights, the speedometer, thebasics of radar, and the microwave oven. I dontknow who the encyclopedias say invented thosethings, moreover I bet it wont give all mention of a manby the name of Nikola Tesla. In fact, I bet theywont give much mention of Tesla for w hatsoever of themany things he invented. We female genitals thank ThomasEdison for this. Nikola Tesla was born in Smiljian,Croatia at precisely midnight on July 9/10, 1856.Not a lot is known about his early childhood. His fuck off was an orthodox priest, and his mother,though unschooled, was highly intelligent. Teslahad an extraordinary memory, and he spoke sixlanguages. He Spent four years studying math,physics, and mechanics at the engineering school Instituteat Graz. Tesla first came to America in 1884,when he was 28. He worked for Thomas Edison.Edison, at the time, had just patented the lightbulb,and needed a system to consider the electricity.One of Teslas gifts was an understanding ofelectricity. Edison promised Tesla large amountsof money if he could work out the kinks inEdisons DC system of electricity. In the end,Tesla saved Edison over $100,000 (which wouldbe millions today), but Edison ref employ to live up tohis end of the bargain. Tesla quit, and Edisonspent the rest of his life trying to stifle Teslasreputation. Tesla devised a system for electricity,AC, which was better than Edisons DC system ofelectricity. AC (Teslas system) is what is used inour homes today. AC offered many advantagesover DC. AC could be transmitted over largedistances through thin wires. DC electricityrequired a large power plant every square mile,and the transmission t... ... ifhe had had the money to finance the experimentshe always wanted to? We are confronted withportentous problems which discharge not be solved justby providing for our material existence, howeverabundantly. On the contrary, progress in thisdirection is fraught with hazards and perils not less peril than those born from want and suffering.If we were to release the energy of the atoms ordiscover some other way of developing cheap andunlimited power at any point of the globe thisaccomplishment, instead of being a blessing, mightbring disaster to mankind... The greatest good leadcome from the technical improvements tending to conjugation and harmony, and my wirelesstransmitter is preeminently such. By its means thehuman voice and likeness will be reproducedeverywhere and factories driven thousands ofmiles from waterfalls furnishing the power aerialmachines will be propelled around the earthwithout a stop and the suns energy controlled tocreate lakes and rivers for motive purposes andtransformation of arid deserts into fertile land...-Nikola Tesla BIBLIOGRAPHY PAGE 1.http// 2.http//
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
The Metaphors of Conrads Heart of Darkness Essays -- Heart Darkness e
The Metaphors of snapper of Darkness Within the text of nitty-gritty of Darkness, the ratifier is presented with many metaphors. Those that recur, and are most arresting and notable, are light and dark, nature and Kurtz and Marlow. The repeated use of light and dark imagery represents civilization and primitiveness, and of course the double-dyed(a) meaning of good and evil. However, the more in depth the reader goes the more complex it becomes. Complex also are the meanings behind the metaphors of nature included indoors the text. It represents a challenge for the colonists, often also signifying decay and degeneration. Finally Kurtz and Marlow represent imperialism and the colonists. All these metaphors come together and contri notwithstandinge not only to the effect for the reader, still also to the overall meaning. From the very moment Marlow speaks the reader is presented with light and dark imagery. It should be noted, however, that darkness seems to dominate. The light and dark, being binary oppositions, come to represent early(a) binary oppositions, such as civilized and uncivilized, and of course good and evil. The primitive savages are described as dark, both literally in regards to skin tone, but also in attitude and inwardly. Marlow calls the natives at the first station black shadows of disease and starvation (Conrad 20). A little further into the text, Marlow is horrified by what he is seeing, by the darkness he and the reader are being presented with. These are both excellent examples of the negativity towards the natives throughout the book. So, the darkness of the natives is a metaphor for their suppose incivility, evilness and primitiveness. However, if the reader looks a little deeper, they can see that this darkness also ... Search for the Unconscious. Boston Twayne Publishers, 1987. Conrad, Joseph Heart of Darkness. 3rd ed. New York Norton, 1997 Csicseri, Coreen. Themes and Structure of Heart of Darkness. Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad 6 December 1998. Available <http//> (2 May 2001). Dunson, David. The symbol of the Wilderness in Heart of Darkness. 3 November 1999. Available <http//> (2 may 2001). Harkness, Bruce. Conrads Heart of Darkness and the Critics. Belmont, Cal. Wadsworth, 1965. Joseph Conrad Heart of Darkness, A Case Study in Contemporary Criticism , ed. Ross C. Murfin. New York St. Martins Press, 1989. Rosmarin, Adena. Darkening the Reader Criticism and Heart of Darkness. ed. Ross C. Murfin. New York St. Martins Press, 1989.
The Metaphors of Conrads Heart of Darkness Essays -- Heart Darkness e
The Metaphors of Heart of Darkness Within the text of Heart of Darkness, the commentator is presented with many metaphors. Those that recur, and are most arresting and notable, are dim and dark, nature and Kurtz and Marlow. The repeated use of high spirits and dark imagery represents civilization and primitiveness, and of course the eternal meaning of favorable and evil. However, the more in depth the reader goes the more complex it becomes. Complex also are the meanings behind the metaphors of nature included within the text. It represents a challenge for the colonists, often also signifying decay and degeneration. ultimately Kurtz and Marlow represent imperialism and the colonists. All these metaphors come together and contribute not only to the effect for the reader, but also to the overall meaning. From the very moment Marlow speaks the reader is presented with light and dark imagery. It should be noted, however, that darkness intoxicatems to dominate. The light and dark , existence binary oppositions, come to represent other binary oppositions, such as civilized and uncivilized, and of course good and evil. The primitive savages are described as dark, both literally in regards to skin tone, but also in attitude and inwardly. Marlow calls the natives at the first topographic point black shadows of disease and starvation (Conrad 20). A little further into the text, Marlow is horrified by what he is seeing, by the darkness he and the reader are being presented with. These are both excellent examples of the negativity towards the natives throughout the book. So, the darkness of the natives is a metaphor for their supposed incivility, evilness and primitiveness. However, if the reader looks a little deeper, they can see that this darkness also ... Search for the Unconscious. Boston Twayne Publishers, 1987. Conrad, Joseph Heart of Darkness. 3rd ed. New York Norton, 1997 Csicseri, Coreen. Themes and Structure of Heart of Darkness. Heart of Darkne ss by Joseph Conrad 6 December 1998. gettable <http//> (2 May 2001). Dunson, David. The symbol of the Wilderness in Heart of Darkness. 3 November 1999. Available <http//> (2 may 2001). Harkness, Bruce. Conrads Heart of Darkness and the Critics. Belmont, Cal. Wadsworth, 1965. Joseph Conrad Heart of Darkness, A Case Study in Contemporary Criticism , ed. Ross C. Murfin. New York St. Martins Press, 1989. Rosmarin, Adena. Darkening the Reader Criticism and Heart of Darkness. ed. Ross C. Murfin. New York St. Martins Press, 1989.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Blood and Healthy Diet
Name Kimberly SteeleBiology 182 Test 3 Answer 5 of the following. 5 points each 1. Explain why the hemoglobin concentration could appear deceptively high in a patient who is dehydrated. 2. Explain the correlation between sickle cell disease and malaria. 3. Describe the effect of an incompatibility between mother and fetus in Rh blood type. 4. What are antigens and antibodies? How do they interact to driving a transfusion reaction? * An antigen is a molecule that sometimes stimulates an immune response.An anti ashes is a blood protein produced in response to and tax returnacting a specific antigen. Antigens are what causes a person to need a transfusion because their body is resisting their own blood. Antibodies are what accept the new blood to use as their own. 5. What can cause an abnormally high or low sinlessness blood cell count? * Leukemia can cause a person to make a lot of white blood cells. They dont do the work of normal white blood cells, they grow faster than normal ce lls, and they dont stop growing when they should. They no longer help your body fight infection. People with neutropenia have an unusually low number of cells called neutrophils. Neutrophils are cells in your immune system that attack bacteria and other organisms when they invade your body. 6. why should hemophilia patients resist using aspirin? * Hemophilia is a rare blood disorder in which the blood does not clot normally. Asprin is an over the counter drug that thins your blood. If that person with hemophilia astounds cut, the chances of them bleeding out are so much greater but there is nothing to stop it from bleeding. 7.Outline the pulmonary spell tracing the blood from the vena cava to the aorta. 8. Describe the O2 and CO2 levels in the right and left side of the heart. 9. Why are the capillaries the workhorse of the circulatory system? * Capillaries work in the same way as vessels and veins but they also help by receiving food molecules from the small intestine. And also i f a vessel or vein get damaged, they can divert blood away from the injury to reduce blood loss. 10. Describe the role of victuals in preventing coronary heart disease. One pervert you can take is to adopt a robust lifestyle.Following a wellnessy diet is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. A healthy diet includes a variety of vegetables and fruits. It also includes entirely grains, fat-free or low-fat dairy products, and protein foods, such as lean meats, poultry without skin, seafood, processed soy products, nuts, seeds, and beans and peas. A healthy diet is low in sodium (salt), added sugars, solid fats, and refined grains. Solid fats are saturated fat andtransfatty acids. Refined grains come from processing whole grains, which results in a loss of nutrients (such as dietary fiber).The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institutes (NHLBIs)Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes (TLC)andDietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH)are two programs that progress healthy eating. If y oureoverweight or obese, work with your doctor to create a reasonable weight-loss plan. Controlling your weight helps you control CHD risk factors. Be as physically active as you can. Physical activity can improve your fitness level and your health. Talk with your doctor about what types of activity are safe for you. http//www. nhlbi. nih. gov/health/health-topics/topics/cad/prevention. html
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Health and Healing at Your Fingertips Essay
Throw out the bottles and boxes of drugs in your house. A new theory suggests that c be for could be bad for your health, which should at least come as good news to people who cannot afford to buy expensive treat. However, it is a blow to the medicine industry, and an even bigger blow to our confidence in the progress of science. This new theory argues that healing is at our fingertips we can be healthy by doing Reiki on a regular basis. Supporters of medical treatment argue that medicine should be trusted since it is ffective and scientifically proven.They say that there is no motivation for spiritual methods such(prenominal) as Reiki, Yoga, Tai Chi. These waste our time, something which is quite precious in our material world. There is medicine that can kill our pain, x-rays that show us our fractured bones or MRI that scans our brain for tumors. We must admit that these methods are very effective in the examples that they provide. However, there are some every day complaints su ch as back pains, headaches, insomnia, which are treated currently with medicine. When you have a headache, you take anAspirin, or Vermidon, when you cannot sleep, you take Xanax without thinking of the side set up of these. When you use these pills for a long period, you become addicted to them you cannot sleep without them. We pay huge amounts of money and become addicted instead of getting better. How about a safer and more stinting way of healing? When doing Reiki to yourself, you do not need anything except your energy so it is very economical. As for its history, it was discovered in Japan in the proto(prenominal) 1900s and its popularity has spread particularly throughoutAmerica and Western Europe. In quantum physics, energy is recognized as the fundamental substance of which the universe is composed. Reiki depends on the energy deep down our bodies. It is a simple and effective way of restoring the energy flow. There are no side do and it is scientifically explained. Opp onents of alternative healing methods in like manner choose that serious illnesses such as HIV/AIDS and cancer cannot be treated without drugs. They think so because these patients spend the rest of their lives in the hospital pickings medicine.How can Reiki make these people healthy again? It is very unfortunate that these patients have to live in the hospital losing their hair because of chemotherapy, losing weight because of the side effects of the medicine they take. Actually, it is common knowledge that except for when the cancer is diagnosed at an early stage, drugs also cannot treat AIDS or cancer. Most of the medicine these patients use are to ease their pain and their sufferings because of the medical treatment they undergo.Instead of drugs hich are expensive and have many side effects, you can use your energy to overcome the hardships of life, play an emotional balance, leave the stress of everyday life and let go of the 2006 Bogazici University SFL 6 of 6 everyday wor ries. Most of the chronic conditions such as eczema or migraine are known to have causes such as poor diet and stress. Deeprooted anger or other strong emotions can contribute to viral infections as well. Since balancing our emotions and start learning Reiki and avoid illnesses before it is too late.Some people may still maintain that in our material world, everything depends on time. It is even lacking time that causes much of the stress that leads to the illnesses we mentioned. How would it be possible to figure time to do Reiki to ourselves and the people around us when we cannot even find time to go to the theater? This is one good thing about Reiki it does not require more than 15 minutes of our time. There is no need for changing clothes or special equipment. It is a wonderfully simple healing art, an effective method of relaxation and stress-relief.Most important f all, it is slight time consuming than medicine if we think of all the time we spend taking medicine for some c omplaints and taking some more for the side effects as well. Having said these, resistance to Reiki would be quite illogical. Reiki is natural and drug-free. What is more, it is easy to learn by anyone, regardless of age and experience. It can be used anywhere, anytime. It also enhances physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being and the benefits last a lifetime. It is definitely high time to get away from the drug boxes we store in our drug console
Friday, May 24, 2019
Leadership in the African American Community Essay
African American community had many problems, such as emancipation, economic, education, transportation, being unemployment, lack of self defense lack of power and therefore varied leaderships and organizations were established to help African American. African American cherished to be free because they were USA citizen and they did not like some unitary call them nigger or free of slave. They cherished to have freedom of speech, vote,, human rights, self defense, they wanted to be free to go to school and be educated, and they did not like people look at them down because of their color. black-market people were the last one got hire and the first one got fire when they applied for job. They had very bad situation because they could not find a job easily. Thats why about of them become unemployment and the rest who had job their salary were low. mysterious people had problem with transportation because most of them did not had a car so it was hard for them to establish for j ob. char people wanted to go to school like white people, they wanted to show them they are smart and they can be educated too. They wanted to be educated so they can learn all the law and learn how to talk and have self defense when someone attack to them.Black people were lack of power because of their skin color. White people could be president or having good positions, and they treat Black people as slaves. Black people had to work in white peoples farms like a slaves, and always respect them and say, YES SIR. Therefore different leadership and organization project up to defend them in from of all of these problems for example Martin Luther ability in her speech said he has a dream and talks about freedom and how Black and white should be equal, he said Black people should vote, and should be free and go to school.Ella baker also helped Martin Luther King in different way, she established different organization, and she moved to different states and having different conferenc e with different people. There are other leadership and organization which help them out which I am going to talk about it later. Work cited Ransby, Barbara. Ella Baker and the Black Freedom Movement. The University of North Carolina. Press, in Chapel Hill and London 2003. The Video FUNDI http//moodle. wolfware. ncsu. edu/file. php/33965/FUNDI. m4v Hodak, George.Martin Luther King Assassinated. ABA Journal 97. 4 (2011) 72. academician Search Complete. Web. 12 Apr. 2013. Brooks, Gwendolyn. Martin Luther King Jr. Storyworks 17. 4 (2010) 3. Primary Search. Web. 12 Apr. 2013. Haskins, Jim. Martin Luther King, Jr. Cobblestone 31. 1 (2010) 28. MasterFILE Complete. Web. 12 Apr. 2013. MARTIN LUTHER powerfulness JR. (Cover Story). Scholastic Action 27. 7 (2004) 4. MasterFILE Complete. Web. 12 Apr. 2013. Tutashinda, K. , and D. C. The Grassroots Political Philosophy Of Ella Baker Oakland, California Applicability. Journal Of Pan African Studies 3. 9 (2010) 25-42. Academic Search Complet e. Web. 12 Apr. 2013. Baraka, Amiri. Black Theater Movement & The Black Consciousness Movement. Kola 24. 1 (2012) 104-119. Literary Reference Center Plus. Web. 12 Apr. 2013. Stafford, Tim. The First Black Liberation Movement. Christianity Today 44. 8 (2000) 42. MasterFILE Complete. Web. 12 Apr. 2013. Taylor, Gardner. Black Freedom Fighters. Christian Century 112. 24 (1995) 777. MasterFILE Complete. Web. 12 Apr. 2013.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Implementation of a Health Program
The American crabmeat Society has come up with Guidelines on Nutrition and Physical Activity for Cancer Prevention (American Cancer Society, 2008, pp. 1 11). The purpose of the aforementioned is to reduce the risk of cancer through healthy food choices, as well as, physical activity (American Cancer Society, 2008, pp. 1 11).The guidelines provided addresses questions of innumerable individuals who are quite confused by several studies or news reports which are not usually peer-reviewed or not really official (American Cancer Society, 2008, pp. 1 11).Although answering the questions would help greatly, this program of the American Cancer Society should still undergo a process of executing so that people result be motivated to look deeper into the guidelines, as well as, to practice them in order to reduce the risk of cancer (American Cancer Society, 2008, pp. 1 11).Before these guidelines are to be fully implemented, there are certain factors needed to be considered (American Cancer Society, 2008, pp. 1 11). Some of these factors are the following 1) leading the implementation 2) time range 3) staff qualifications 4) staff responsibilities 5) training 6) supervision/support 7) funds and 8) advocacy (American Cancer Society, 2008, pp. 1 11).Leading the ImplementationIt is very important to assign an individual to lead the implementation (Illness Management and Recovery, 2003, pp. 1 6). The draw should be well aware of the program or guidelines and should have mastered all aspects of the guidelines (Illness Management and Recovery, 2003, pp. 1 6). He or she should also be supported by those in a higher position, as well as, respected by the subordinates (Illness Management and Recovery, 2003, pp. 1 6).Time FrameAfter a leader is chosen for the implementation, time-frame should also be settled (Illness Management and Recovery, 2003, pp. 1 6). This entails the time needed in training those who will play a role in the implementation of the program (I llness Management and Recovery, 2003, pp. 1 6). For instance, three months is required to extensively educate and motivate the individuals who will play a part in the implementation (Illness Management and Recovery, 2003, pp. 1 6).
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Marrying for Money
Im a little shocked at t he numbers, says Pamela Smock, a sociologist at the University of knot who has studied conglutination and money. Its kind of against the notion of love and soul mates and the main motivations to marry in our culture. (Frank, 2007). These shocking words that came emerge from a sociologist merely suggests that in modern times, money should still be not the reason for marrying.It is a fact however that money is a big parkway force for someone who urgencys to get married. At the back of their minds, there is the constant reminder of reality like divorce or annulment. However, they should also consider wherefore they got into the relationship in the first place. Relationships are not reinforced based on money. Moreover, one does not dwell into a relationship with the primary associate of money whereas it should pee-pee been the connection and the love that the partners share. Getting married is not like a hot potato that you can eat and spit out the momen t that you discovered that it is too for you to handle.Marriage is a vivificationtime relationship and commitment and this very same basis should be built on love, verify and respect. Ultimately, it should not be money because it devoid the vow that they made in front of the authority (may it be religiously or lawfully speaking). No national how money plays a very important role in our society today, brotherhood should still be based on the wanting of both batch to stay together for the rest of their lives.Additionally, since most of people these days are very agitated into climbing their way into the corporate world. People who want to nail down down are the ones that have already made a niche in their fields. This only implies that they have everything they want or could ever want so the concept of money is the least on their priority. In addition, there are such things as pre-nuptial agreements which protect the assets of both parties.And people who sign to such agreements only want to protect their hard-earned money so it is wrong to say that people want to marry for money. People who want to make money out of marriage are the ones who see it (marriage) as business or a way to get what they want. People who have mindsets like that are very superficial. Their concept of marriage very different from what it rattling is. Instead, they put a price tag to marriages. However, there are cases wherein people settle down more than once entirely it is enough to say that they married for money.Take for example Elizabeth Taylor who married five different guys. She is rich on her own that is why she married those guys because she wants to be attached with them for eternity. This only implies that once again, people who want to get married should want to do it because they want to spend the rest of their lives with that special someone.Since most people who want to get married are successful in their chosen field, that is the time that they want someone to spend their life with. Even though the person is really doing well, they cannot be considered truly successful unless they want to achieve real happiness. And marriage, in its purest form, is the only way to achieve that goal.Alongside the desire that you want to share your life with that special someone, the ultimate goal why someone should get married is the happiness that marriage can bring into your life. Marriage is near raising a family and that can give you an ultimate high that not even any achievement can bring. Money is a measure of how successful you are but a happy marriage is also another. Money come and go but family will not.Marrying because of money is a very superficial reason. Marriage is about a commitment of two people to become one which have the same mindset of achieving a happier state in life. Marriage should be built on trust respect and love because those really are the basic foundation of a successful future family which ultimately is one of the measurements of how successful you have become.ReferencesFrank, R. (2007). Marrying for Loveof money Electronic Version. The Wall Street Journal.Retrieved January 16, 2008 from http//
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Banking System of China Essay
The Chinese stranding carcass of rules is said to be undergoing some tremendous change in the wake of the emergence of china as a major player in the global economic system. This is so after several years of kingdom ownership and communism that was so prevalent in the rural area. The reforms in the Chinese banking system commenced in the 1980s to date. The structure of the Chinese banking system initially was monolithic with the Peoples hard cashbox of chinaw be being the alone bank allowed to do banking handicraft in the country as its Central Bank. But this changed in the early 1980s when the Chinese government allowed some body politic owned banks that were specialized to start doing banking businesses and taking deposits. The banks licensed accommodated Agricultural Bank of mainland china, Bank of China, China Construction Bank and the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China. This were the pioneer specialized banks in China and in 1994, there was the establishment of new banks whose purpose was policy specific the homogeneous the China Development Bank, exportation Import Bank of China and the China Development Bank honorable mention Cla14 l 1033 (Claessens & Kodres, 2014). These banks find a varying ownership degree by the frequent that was done with the initial public offers but despite this, the majority sh atomic number 18holder of these banks is still the Chinese government.Several joint stock commercial banks and city c commercial banks have been licensed to ope send in China. The government of China has alike licensed banks that are dedicated to develop the rural centers of China. hostile banks have also been allowed to operate in China.As of 2010, the total of the assets of the Chinese banking system were 14 trillion dollars. The four specialized banks in China at that time control direct 48 pct of these assets. The main regulatory body that controls the banking system is the CBRC (China Banking Regulatory Commission) that is charged with the responsibility of making rules and regulation of China banks character reference Loo13 l 1033 (Looney, 2013). The CBRC is in charge of oversight and collects banking statistics to be used in the bear on of approval of bank expansion. It also goes a long way in figure out the potential solvency and liquidity issues that might trouble banks. This Peoples Bank of China while acting as Chinas Central bank has quite an authority over the Chinese banking system. This includes the typical role played by the important bank of representation on international monetary forums and criminal maintenance of monetary policy. Its separate roles are the reduction of danger and promotion of financial stability of the system. The PBC is also responsible alter regulation and the exchange of foreign silver between banks. It supervises settlement and payment system in the country.The Chinese banking system does not consist of a deposit insurance where the depositors are prote cted from the want of their funds in case the banks get wound up. However reforms are underway to catch that Chinese depositors are able to get insured for their deposits. In the beginning of 2009, the Chinese government encouraged a large credit sound in order to offset the possible effects of the global financial crisis. The larger part of this credit was used to finance infrastructure and construction of truly estate which helped China to grow by forty five percent between 2008 and 2013. At the same time, the internationalistic Monetary Funds credit reports accession to 200 percent with much of it coming from bonds, loans and non-bank financing identical to 13 trillion dollars. Out of the 200 percent increase, non-bank financing accounted for two thirds of the total source Loo13 l 1033 (Looney, 2013). This meant that the flow of credit was not from regulated Chinese banks but from Chinese financial institutions. The Chinese nates banking system which has evolved over thi s period comprises of several layers which include capital markets, non-banking financial institutions and the internal firmament.Review of literary actionsGlobalization is a multifaceted bourne and deals with all the social, political and economic issues in the developed and underdeveloped world. The world has seen m all changes in the form of innovation, proficient advancements and economic prosperity. One of the major shifts in the current era has been the creation of a world with no boundary. This has resulted into integration of technology and modernization of production and workings methods. This paper presents an in depth analysis on determining who have benefited from globalization in China.The term globalization has been a concept which has integrated in the world of current times. Globalization pertains to the festering relationships of people, destination, and economic activity on the global level. The term is often utilized to refer to the perspective of econom ic globalization it is the production and distribution of the services and goods on the global platform and takes place with the help of the reduced obstacles of international trade. These trade barriers include the export fees, tariffs, and import quotas, and also comprise of the free movement of investment and capital in the entire world. There are many ways countries that have benefited from globalization in China cite Cla14 l 1033 (Claessens & Kodres, 2014). The impacts of trade brought by globalization could be seen by the diffusion of the art of glass making in China from Western. Religious ideology spread quickly in all directions through globalization. Mer flocktilism for instance spread from the West to the East through globalization. The easy flow of ideas, art and culture resulted in economic, cultural and social vibrancy that was unmatched anywhere else in the world.Globalization has made Chinas economy the fastest growing economy with an average of 9 percent of increm ent in the last three decades. China has the largest volume of goods imported and exported throughout the global market. Provinces at the coasts of China are more(prenominal) industrialized and developed than those in the hinterland. It is for this reason that China has a substantial influence on the world economy because of the large volume of trade. The or so valuable sector of Chinas economy is industry and agriculture CITATION Moo99 l 1033 (Moore, 1999). The Agricultural output has been adversely affected by bizarre and sporadic weather of East Asia. The industrial sector in China has advanced more than the agricultural sector in China because of incomes, technology and lying-in productivity. The differences in the two sectors of the economy are the reason for the social, economic and cultural disparity between the urban and rural areas. China is the leading producer of mineral and industrial products like coal and oil. According to statistics, China has achieved a proceeds level of 10.9%, which is quite a massive growth. With this rapid growth, people are immediately quite able to achieve extravagantlyer living standards which can be observed in China where people can this instant be more luxurious in the goods they buy over the inferior ones CITATION Loo13 l 1033 (Looney, 2013).The government of China can now provide timely and more cost-efficient services for everyones wellbeing. This is as a result of more people being able to pay their taxes as there are more exercising opportunities. The availability of more r purgeue has enab lead them to improve on the medical healthcare facilities and education. This not only has clannish benefit, but a healthy population can be more productive out-of-pocket to the increased life expectancy.With increasing globalization, Western Europe established favorable for trade and entrepreneurship through its educated men working in China. The development of infrastructural linkages in China favors trading in t he region. This process has enhanced the rate of international trade of different services and goods. The production processes have been broken down into various stages separated by the geographical boundaries and is conducted on large scale. Moreover, an enormous expansion in the manufacturing exports has occurred from many developing countries. alone these factors have created new opportunities and possibilities for the developing regions of the world. For instance, during 1900s, the Japan and China experienced an increasing market share while the rest of the world witnessed the export share to be decreasing. Chinas globalization has also enhanced the participation of the developing world in FDI expansion. Due to the boosting of financial expansion in the industrial world, the developing nations have also obtained a platform to give their contributions in the financial world and enjoy the advantages of modern concepts CITATION Cla14 l 1033 (Claessens & Kodres, 2014).Globalization in China has encouraged increased flight of capital and ideas to other countries like Korea and Japan which have increased their inventiveness and expertise through the hiring of fresh and innovative charitable resources from the developed nations. Moreover, they are able to avail the opportunities of investing in the developed regions of the world as well as attracting newer investments from other parts of the world CITATION Yen14 l 1033 (Yen, Lai, & Wang, 2014). Chinas globalization has in turn influenced the neighboring countries. India for instance has picked a few lessons from China and has adopted a more percipient economy in the process. This has in the process transformed the nation as regards to development and creation of opportunities in the global scale for close multi-national companies. Globalization in China has resulted in an increased level of trade of China with other countries that are in different parts of the globe. Its recent growth has light-emitting diode to the resurgence of Japans economy and in the process saving them from recession indeed averting a serious global downturn.With the huge population figures in China, it has provided markets for American companies and their products. This has led to the flow of income from the U. S to China. The exported cheap products that are produced in the US has resulted in the increase of job opportunities thus an improvement of the living standards of the Americans and other countries nationals who are in active trade with China. With globalization China has been able to export some of its products to markets like the U.S thus managing to keep the level of inflation and by-line rates down in the process prolonging the economic boom in America CITATION Cla14 l 1033 (Claessens & Kodres, 2014).The success of globalization in China has led to decreased cases of wars and date in the globe. China is often a quiet participant in global conflict and its lack of interest in conflict has been bene ficial to the global stage. With globalization it has managed to steer away from instances of tug of wars with the other global super powers. It does not sponsor insurgencies in conflict prone areas like the Middle East Asia and Latin America unlike other superpowers. It has by all means through globalization supported the global financial institutions like the IMF in assisting the poor CITATION Moo99 l 1033 (Moore, 1999). As a result of this, third world countries have benefited the some from China s generosity as regards to funding and sponsoring of development projects in their countries. In recent time China has been an active participant in the African scene f infrastructure with nigh of the projects in these countries being sponsored and conducted by China. This in essence shows Africa as the direct benefactor of globalization in China. China has been able to provide loans to these countries and in the process has strengthened ties with these nations. The concept of globaliz ation has also proven to be a friend to the developing world by providing it the chances to stand in the line of competitors and thus, taper on attaining efficiency and competitive advantageMethodologyThe non-banking financial institutions constitute the larger part and they are subject to regulatory oversight. The oversight involves various degrees that include direct loans for surfeit funds from companies to trade credit or other borrowers, wealth focal point products and combine companies, pawn shops, micro credit providers, over 3000 private and equity providers partly funded by private investors, consumer credit institutions, and financial guarantors to finance companies. The capital markets allow institutional investors and insurance companies to by debt and equity securities. The informal sector poses as a major risk for the Chinese economy because it involves direct tote uping between secretive and individual lending which is often conducted by mislabeled loan sharks li ke back lane bankers and unrestrained capitalists who offer loans at high interests to small business enterprises. What drives this tremendous growth of the Chinese buttocks banking system is the regulation and structure of the countrys financial system. Chinas credit markets is dominated by four major banks that are controlled by the state and focus on lending to government associated firms , enterprises owned by the state and projects with official sanctions. This makes it quite difficult for other businesses to gain access to bank credit which triggers stern banking to fill this gap. This exemplifies a popular saying in Chinese culture which asserts that countermeasures come from below while policies come from above. There is immense risk that is associated Chinas shadow banking system which questions the longevity of the Chinese financial welfare. Although it may be difficult to ascertain the exact size of the Chinese shadow banking system, it is evidently growing rapidly and accounts for approximately 70 to 100 percent of the country GDP CITATION Yen14 l 1033 (Yen, Lai, & Wang, 2014).A major problem is that most of the financial guarantors and trust companies of the Chinese shadow banking system often lack enough capital. This forces them into an average leverage that is twenty times their worth given that most of the investments are of high nature. More so, the detail as to what exactly the investor will use the funds for is not white. There is ambiguity regarding how to enforce security interests and due diligence by the investment enterprise or sponsor and the rights if the investor and borrower. The controls and oversight of the shadow banking system are weak since it operates with regulations that are limited.Main Issues/ FindingsThe share of lending by Chinese banks has now decreased from ninety percent over the past ten year to fifty percent showing how much the Chinese economy now relies on the shadow banking system as a vital financial source. This has mostly affected the topical anaesthetic governments, small and medium coat enterprises and priggishty companies. This interconnection between conventional banking systems and the shadow banking system lead to the creation of moral hazards and additional risk based on regulatory reasons CITATION Loo13 l 1033 (Looney, 2013). The banks often use the shadow banking system when shifting loan assets from their window financial statements and balance sheets for investors and regulators. For example, when Chinese banks are not able to lend funds at high interests to companies, they use Wealth Management Products and Trust Companies. They also create products of investment for investors looking for higher returns thereby acting as an intermediate between borrowers and savers Chinese banks has thus used shadow banking investment products like Security Brokers and Trust Companies to maintain the earnings and market share through the commissions and fees from the products. Current ly, there has been an increase on the number of Wealth Management Products issued by Chinese banks has increased from roughly 100 billion dollars to 3 trillion dollars CITATION Kuh12 l 1033 (Kuhn & Yang, 2012).Shadow banking has caused uneven credit quality of many borrowers in the market. This is because of the variability in collateral used to secure loans. Although most of the wealth management products are invested as bond markets, interbank deposits and money markets whose large proportion is secured through real estate. The problem with real estate is that the investors are highly vulnerable to losings because property values fluctuate every now and then. This exposes them to high negative risk. There are also other risky forms of collateral in shadow banking which include invaluable commodities and industry machinery and other exotic forms like graveyards that also expose businesses to risk. Most importantly is the fact that the collaterals pledged may not even be in existenc e CITATION Cla14 l 1033 (Claessens & Kodres, 2014). A good example is that of Wealth Management Product the Golden Elephant Number 38 which was secured by a deserted housing estate located in rice filed within the Jiangxi Province of China. This Wealth Management Product offered 7.2 percent to its investors on an yearly basis. The collaterals used also entail substantial mismatches whereby long term assets are financed by short term funds that do not generate any income. This poses a liquidity crisis for the financial system and the conduit vehicles which face constant periodic payments and other refinance requirements. This is evidenced by the huge 660 billion dollars worth of trust products that have matured as of 2014.The linkages between bank and shadow banking system in China are quite complex in nature. There are different transactions between the different shadow banking institutions. China growing concern over the debt accrued is complicated by the fact that there has been a n increase in the rate of borrowing by most of its local government and the important role the shadow banking system plays in this economy. This is quite undermines the Chinese entrepreneurial spirit and highlights the huge problems in Chinas system of finance. The relaxation measures taken by the central government in the wake of 2007/2008 financial crisis led to increased government expenditure in an endeavor to increase economic activity.The legal limitation is that the local governments in China are not allowed to ingest for any form of funding or rather borrowing. This was after the creation of Urban Development Investment Companies (UDIC) that was allowed to ask for any form of funding the local government need. Ideally, UDICs are allowed to ask for funding from banks but the recent action by banks to reduce on loans led them to borrow from the shadow banking system. This has thus resulted in the local banks being left in the dark as there are disputes on the exact figure of borrowings made despite the growing level of scrutiny revolving the issue CITATION Loo13 l 1033 (Looney, 2013).There has been an increased rate of borrowing, misappropriation of funds and servicing of debts due to prices of property increasing in China. The growing concern by the lenders is more likely to reduce the availability of credit and as a result leading to a restrained cash flow. It can be said that the rise of the shadow banking has emerged from the structured financial system that is regulated. The limited access to funds and credit in bank has led to the emergence of shadow banking as the alternative solution to access credit. The regulation by the government in terms of deposits and interest rates has contributed majorly to the growth of shadow banking. The loss of purchasing power by consumers has led them to opt for the high interest rates offered by shadow banks CITATION Cla14 l 1033 (Claessens & Kodres, 2014).The Chinese central government has been on the offence th rough curtailing of expansion of credit through making reduction in loan quotas thus to a large disoblige limiting lending to certain sectors in the long run encouraging the growth of shadow banking. The shadow banking system is multi-faceted where there is lending in the informal sector say between individuals and underground lending through shylocks who offer high rates of interest on loans to small businesses. This can be seen as some form of harassment to the small businesses where they incur the high costs of interest rates charged to them by this shadow banking system.The problems by this shadow banking system are aggravated by the fact that this shadow banking system in China is made up of non-banking financial institutions like leasing companies, finance companies and guarantors that are speculate to be regulated. The dominating products in the non-banking institution sector are wealth management products. These trust companies thrive in financing riskier transactions and borrowers who banks cannot do business with because of the strict regulations that come with them. These companies raise money from investors who then invest in securities and loans. The attractions of such investments are the high returns in comparison to bank deposits. The financing of local government projects of infrastructure come from trust funds because of the reluctance of the Central bank to limit the local government financing.A common feature of Chinas shadow banking is the working relationship they have with banks. The banks act as an agent in loan from one financial institution to another. Short term government debts interest is administered by the respective Central bank of that particular country. This is so because the sole role of the Central government is the maintenance of economic growth and price stability CITATION Yen14 l 1033 (Yen, Lai, & Wang, 2014). With lower interest rates then there is economic growth this is because of the affordability of credit as the people are able to service their loans and debts at low costs. From Statistics of the Chinese Central Bank, there has been a steady decline and rise in the interest rate in China for the last decade. This could be attributed to the public outcry in the country calling for effective and efficient monetary policy measures by their respective departments of finance. These measures have thus maintained the interest rates to a bare minimum thus enabling the stable economic growth in China.The GDP growth rate figures are an indication of the wealth produced per capita in an economy. This then determines the levels of foreign direct investment that are attracted to an economy. A high GDP and growth rate like that of China shows a growing economy thus a high attraction rate for investors in the country CITATION Loo13 l 1033 (Looney, 2013). The high inflation rate in China erodes the purchasing power of the consumers. The inflation rate of China serves as an economic indicator of the economi c direction of the country except for special global cases like Japan that despite low and negative inflation rates show no growth rate.ConclusionFrom this analysis therefore, it is clear that the economic policies and issues of the Chinese economy is determined by various economic variables provided by the Central Bank of China which plays a vital role to ensure the full realization of the economic vision. The central banks monetary role and the governments fiscal policy role determine the economic development. With a proper and effective economic policies then the economic development agendas can be easily arrived atCITATION nte06 l 1033 (International Monetary Fund, 2006).Shadow banking has grown in China and it is now rivaling conventional banking systems and this has made the country a focal point regarding macroeconomic attention. There is a lot of speculation as to whether or not Chinas economy will slow down and eventually cause critical financial upshot as a result of shado w banking CITATION Cla14 l 1033 (Claessens & Kodres, 2014). Consequently, this has become a serious issue that has gained global concern. In the beginning of 2009, the Chinese government encouraged a large credit boom in order to offset the possible effects of the global financial crisis. The larger part of this credit was used to finance infrastructure and construction of real estate which helped China to grow by forty five percent between 2008 and 2013.ReferencesClaessens, S., & Kodres, L. E. (2014). The Regulatory Responses to the Global Financial Crisis Some Uncomfortable Questions. New York International Monetary Fund.International Monetary Fund. (2006). Progress in Chinas Banking Sector Reform Has Bank , Issues 2006-2071.Kuhn, R. L., & Yang, L. (2012). Chinas Banking and Financial Markets The Internal look into Report of the Chinese Government. New York John Wiley & Sons.Looney, R. E. (2013). Handbook of Emerging Economies. New York Routledge.Moore, T. G. (1999). China and Gl obalization. Asian Perspective, 65-85.Yen, J., Lai, K. K., & Wang, M. (2014). Chinas Financial Markets Issues and Opportunities. New York Routledge.Source enter
Monday, May 20, 2019
Brain – Psychology
The star works together in a mysterious way. In 1981, it was discovered that the mentality is actually split into twain hemispheres, left and right. Each hemisphere of the brain processes information in its declare unique way. Each side of the brain carries on its own set of task and duties it inescapably to accomplish, but at the same time, both parts still work together. When deciding on which hemisphere I rely on the most, it feces easily be said that I use the left-hemisphere much so than the right. I am a very analytical person who is constantly trying to psychoanalyse and solve problems that arise.Im very keen to detail and usually dont understand the boilersuit stick out at first, but rather all the small details that make it up. Not besides am I good with details, Im also great at mathematics and subjects that bear a lot of analyzing and paying attention to detail. The right hemisphere is what allows us to pull in the whole picture instead of the minor details. E ven though the right hemisphere performs the simplest of task, if it is damaged, the person will not be able to recognize some aspects of speech. Looking back at my youth, I wasnt really into work out puzzles or drawing, both of which the right hemisphere has domain over.It was interesting to read about the different brain hemispheres and how they work together, or in the case of split brains against each other. Split Brain is an operation that can be done, in which the corpus callosum is cut to control severe epilepsy. After the operation, the person basically has two brains that function individually on their own. The brain is such a powerful tool that it is amazing to see how much complexity there is to it.Coon, D. , & Mitterer, J. O. (2010). Introduction to Psychology. Belmont,CA Wadsworth Publishing.
Veterans and Ptsd
Veterans and post traumatic striving disorder Toni L. Enemy Hunter Psychiatric Rehabilitation/REHA 425 Professor McDermott October 29, 2011 catch up The United States is eyesight an increasing number of Veterans coming back from process Enduring Freedom (OEF) and Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) being diagnosed with Post-Traumatic prove Disorder (posttraumatic stress disorder). posttraumatic stress disorder is affecting the lives of men and women, their family and those closest to them. The object of this paper is to give some general information for women and their families experiencing PTSD. It will give symptoms and treatment options available to women veterans.Women Vets and PTSD According to the 2009 and 2010 subject field Survey on Drug Use and wellness, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), nearly 600,000 veterans aged 18 or older experienced a co-occurring centerfield use disorder and mental illness in the past 12 months. Post-Traumatic Stre ss Disorder (PTSD) is flat becoming more than prevalent with men and women in the military. How can the families of the veteran better perceive what to ask and how to deal with their loved anes suffering from PTSD? DefinitionAccording to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, school text Revision (DSM-IV-TR APA, 2000) the diagnostic criteria for PTSD include a history of mental picture to a traumatic subject face-off ii criteria and symptoms from each of three symptom clusters inquiring recollections, avoidant/numb symptoms, and hyper-arousal symptoms (Appendix 2). Challenges The British Medical journal reported that veterans do not experience trauma or disabling symptoms until they return from the war (Gabriel & Neal, 2002).Friedman give tongue to PTSD symptoms appear when they return home trying to readjust to civilian emotional state. When a person is on active duty in the military, if one does not select a physical injury accord ingly psychological symptoms argon seen as a weakness and being a coward (Friedman, 2004). Those that did seek help frame it difficult to be diagnosed because they were not exposed to direct combat (i. e. hostile fire, returning fire, or seeing others injured). The veterans that do mother PTSD from military trauma atomic number 18 from non-combative events such as sexual trauma.They may feel alone and worry ab expose their families. PTDS is comorbid with traumatic brain injuries and other psychiatric disorders such as depression, social phobia, panic disorder, substance abuse, and mood and anxiety disorders (Feczer, 2009). We deny that war transmits its participants forever- America claims innocence and honesty as fundamental traits. We believe that our young men and women should be able to go to war, get the air do, and return home blameless and well. (Tick, 2005) InterventionThe Readjustment Counseling Service is available for veterans who served in war zones, Vietnam earn ed run average Veterans, veterans that experienced sexual trauma while in the military, and for family members that fork over lost loved ones while on duty. At a Veteran Center, the services that ar provided are individual counseling, group counseling, marital and family counseling, dependency counseling, benefits assistance and referral, employment referral and counseling, community education, liaison with VA facilities, referral to community agencies, contracts with area guidances and Mobile Vet Center Outreach.The guest first has to go through assessments to figure out the outdo therapeutic approach. They need to be screened for victimization, dangerous potential, addictive behaviors, differential diagnosis, comorbidity, and family assessment (Meichenbaum, 1995). Medications, along with therapy, declare been the most helpful types of treatment for PTSD. The medications used are antidepressant medications, anti-anxiety medications, mood stabilizing medications, and other me dications to ease nightmares, irritability, sleeplessness, depression, and anxiety (Feczer, 2009). It is important when interviewing the node to find out their childhood history.many times trauma during childhood will not come out until later in life and it can be the underlying issue to their problems (Feczer, 2009). Therapy Modalities PET After a traumatic event, many an(prenominal) individuals experience distress and signs of PTSD. The veteran may experience suffering when dealing with the recollections related to the trauma. This type of therapy helps by approaching those thoughts, feelings, and events that the client has been avoiding because of the stress they cause. By repeated image to the emotions it helps the veteran reduce the power thoughts have over the client.However, during the assessment, it is important to discuss with the veteran the main event(s) that causes the stress. By doing this at a cheerful pace, the exposure to that trauma can be dealt with accordingl y (Creamer & Forbes, 2004). The first part of the therapy is education. The counselor will rationalise the treatment, the common trauma reactions and symptoms of PTSD. PET helps the veteran understand what the goals are for the treatment and what to expect for the succession of the future sessions. Teaching methods of ventilation techniques will help the veteran to relax.Breathing changes when a person becomes anxious or fearful. This is a short-term technique to assist in managing sudden distress. The third aspect of PET is in vivo exposure where the client has exposure to real world situations or events that may be anxiety-producing. This is safely done by approaching the situation that has been avoided because of the stress it causes. PET uses imaginal exposure where the veteran talks through the trauma(s) with the counselor. By talking, it helps the client to gain control over the traumatic events and realize that he or she does not have to be afraid of his or her memories .The overall goal is to work through the events from least to most traumatic events and what is comfortable for the client. This type of therapy is usually eight to fifteen sessions that last or so ninety minutes (Resick, Nishith, Weaver, Astin,& Feuer, 2002). CPT Many times those with PTSD have problems dealing with their thoughts and memories of the trauma they have been though. They may get stuck in their thoughts and have a hard time making sense of what has happened or is happening to them. CPT helps in giving clients a newborn way of dealing with their thoughts and to gain an understanding of the events that haunt them.thither are four parts to CPT nurture about PTSD symptoms, becoming aware of thoughts and feelings, learning skills and understanding changes in beliefs. CPT requires educating the client about PTSD and what to expect from the disorder. The veterans can ask questions and find out how the skills are going to help them. In this modality, the client needs to become aware of their thoughts and feelings. When bad things happen we want to know why they happen. Clients can get stuck in their thought process and not be able to let it go.However, with CPT a person learns to wage attention to these thoughts that the trauma has caused and discuss how they make one feel. Then he or she can aim a step back and see how it affects the person now. This will hopefully help the veteran remember of the trauma in a different way. This can be done by writing about it or talking to the counselor. Next, the veterans need to begin learning the skills to help challenge their thoughts and question them as well. This is done by doing worksheets (appendix 1). These worksheets will help veterans decide the way they want to think and feel about their traumatic situations.These skills will eventually help in dealing with every day issues. Finally, there is trying to understand the changes in beliefs. There are common changes that happen aft(prenominal) going t hrough a trauma. There are going to be changes in the way a person thinks about safety, trust, control, self-esteem, other large number and relationships. By talking about these beliefs, hopefully they can find a balance with the beliefs before and after the trauma. The approximate time for this type of therapy is twelve sessions. EMDR The final type of therapy is Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing or EMDR.Clients that are involved in EMDR use imaginal exposure of their trauma and at the same time the counselor uses their index finger for them to follow back and forth. EMDR therapy seems to directly affect the brain by unlocking the traumatic memories, allowing clients to disrupt them. Veterans work through the upsetting repositing, beliefs, feelings, sensations until they are able to think about the event without reliving it. The warehousing is still there, but not as upsetting. It is like detaching oneself and watching a movie but relieving the trauma at the same ti me (Barton, Smith, Corcoran, 2011).Case Management, utilisation and Vocational Rehabilitation According to the Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Program that Congress prepared, case managers work closely with Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors (VRC) to create a renewal plan. This plan consists of evaluation and planning for the future goals of the veteran. The veteran is evaluated to see if he or she is capable of self-supporting living or will need rehabilitation services. The VRC is responsible to see that referrals for medical, eye care and alveolar are taken care of for the client.The vocational-education counselor will be able to assist the veteran in acquiring education, training, equipment, and financial aid if the client needs to develop new skills for employment. The President of the United States is excessively giving great tax breaks to employees for hiring veterans. The Counselor and Support Systems The downfall to helping veterans with PTSD is that there ar e not many counselors have the experience with this type of client. Counselors in this field are few, especially in the rural and underserved geographic areas.The VA resources are overwhelmed with clients so there is a backlog, which creates frustration with veterans. There are many that have contemplated or have committed suicide because they did not receive the help they needed. According to the National Center for PTSD, some may have had past mental health issues and may not have undecomposed support systems in addition to what was mentioned earlier. So that is why it is important to have a good support system and education is essential for the families when the veteran returns home. They will more than likely not be the same person as they were before they were deployed.Conclusion Veterans do so much for the United States citizens and we need to be thankful for the job they do for our freedom. The veterans put their lives in danger so we can live the life as Americans. Veterans deserve the respect and assistance when they return home to us. So it is my opinion that we do our best to ensure they can become productive citizens once again. I would like to be part of that police squad to assist in helping veterans adjust back into civilian life. I would like to see more citizens do the same by helping the veterans any way possible.Where would the United States be if we did not have such a great military team? References American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and statistical manual(a) of mental disorders (Revised 4th ed. ). Washington, DC Author. Feczer, D. A. (2009). Forever changed Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in female military veterans, A Case Report. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care. Friedman, M. (2004). Acknowledging the psychiatric cost of war. New England journal of Medicine, pp 351, 75-77. Gabriel, R. A. (2002). Post-traumatic stress disorder or somatic dysfunction after military conflict may hide posttraumatic disorder.British Medica l Journal, pp 324, 340-342. Tick, E. (2005). War and the somebody Healing our nations veterans from post-traumatic stress disorder. Wheaton, IL Quest Books. Masson, N. (2010). Mindful Cognitive Processing Worksheet. Retrieved from http//drnataliemasson. com/images/Mindful%20Cognitive%20Processing%20Worksheet. pdf Creamer, M. , Forbes D. (2004). Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Military and Veteran Populations, Psychotherapy Theory, Research, Practice, Training, (Vol. 41, pp. 388-398). Resick, P. , Nishith, P. , Weaver, T. , Astin, M. , Feuer, C. 2002). A comparison of cognitive-processing therapy with prolonged exposure and a waiting condition for the treatment of chronic posttraumatic stress disorder in female rape victims. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, (Vol. 70, pp. 867-879). Bartson, S. , Smith. , M. , Corcoran, C. (2011). Help Guide. EMDR Therapy. Retrieved from http//www. helpguide. org/mental/pdf/emdr. pdf Meichenbaum, D. (1995). A clinical handbo ok/practical therapist manual for assessing and treating adults with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) book. Florida Institute Press. Appendix 1Mindful Cognitive Processing Worksheet 1. Describe situation briefly 2. hark emotions (single words) and regularise the intensity (0-100%) 3. List automatic thoughts. Circle hot thought. (For deeper work, identify the onus belief. ) 4. Observe breathing and body sensations. Describe these briefly. 5. Practice acceptance and validation. List thoughts that promote acceptance, non-judgment, validation. Take a few moments to behave breathing in an attitude of allowing things to be as they are without judging or trying to change/fix things. 6. List objective evidence that supports your automatic thoughts. . List objective evidence that counters your automatic thoughts. 8. fall upon any distortions involved in your automatic thoughts. 9. Consider a more balanced thought. 10. Describe the outcome. List emotions, rate intensity. List any ot her reactions, observations. Bonus 11. Identify any core beliefs that could use revising. and a more adaptive belief. 12. Consider behavioral experiments to disprove the core beliefs and support a new belief. Summary of some common cognitive distortions 1. Probability overestimations overestimating the likelihood of a negative event 2.Mind practice session presumptuous what others will think about you Appendix 1 Cont. 3. Personalization taking too much right for a negative situation 4. Should statements incorrect/exaggerated statements about how things should be 5. Catastrophic thinking assuming that a negative event would be catastrophic 6. All-or-nothing thinking (Black White Thinking) 7. Selective attention and memory attend to negative information, discount positive 8. Overgeneralization a single event is taken as a sign of a global pattern 9. Fortune telling predicting the future with absolute certainty 10.Negative core beliefs negative assumptions about oneself. Tak ing an event and turning it into a core characteristic. (I made a mistake vs. I am a loser) 11. Emotional reasoning believing that if you feel as if something is true, that makes it true (Masson, 2010) Appendix 2 DSM-IV-TR criteria for PTSD In 2000, the American Psychiatric Association revised the PTSD diagnostic criteria in the fourth edition of its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR) (1). The diagnostic criteria (A-F) are specified below.Diagnostic criteria for PTSD include a history of exposure to a traumatic event meeting two criteria and symptoms from each of three symptom clusters intrusive recollections, avoidant/numbing symptoms, and hyper-arousal symptoms. A fifth criterion concerns duration of symptoms and a sixth assesses functioning. mensuration A stressor The person has been exposed to a traumatic event in which both of the sideline have been present 1. The person has experienced, witnessed, or been confronted with an event or events tha t involve veridical or threatened death or serious injury, or a threat to the physical oneness of oneself or others. . The persons response involved intense fear, helplessness, or horror. Note in children, it may be verbalised instead by disorganized or agitated behavior. Criterion B intrusive recollection The traumatic event is persistently re-experienced in at least one of the following ways 1. Recurrent and intrusive distressing recollections of the event, including images, thoughts, or perceptions. Note in young children, repetitive play may occur in which themes or aspects of the trauma are expressed. 2. Recurrent distressing dreams of the event.Note in children, there may be shake up dreams without recognizable content 3. Acting or feeling as if the traumatic event were recurring (includes a sense of reliving the experience, illusions, hallucinations, and dissociative flashback episodes, including those that occur upon awakening or when intoxicated). Note in children, trau ma-specific reenactment may occur. 4. discriminating psychological distress at exposure to internal or external cues that symbolize or gibe an aspect of the traumatic event. 5.Physiologic reactivity upon exposure to internal or external cues that symbolize or tally an aspect of the traumatic event Criterion C avoidant/numbing Persistent avoidance of stimuli associated with the trauma and numbing of general responsiveness (not present before the trauma), as indicated by at least three of the following 1. Efforts to avoid thoughts, feelings, or conversations associated with the trauma 2. Efforts to avoid activities, places, or people that arouse recollections of the trauma 3. Inability to sequestrate an important aspect of the trauma 4.Markedly diminished interest or participation in significant activities 5. soupcon of detachment or estrangement from others 6. Restricted range of affect (e. g. , unable to have loving feelings) 7. finger of foreshortened future (e. g. , does not expect to have a career, marriage, children, or a normal life span) Criterion D hyper-arousal Persistent symptoms of increasing arousal (not present before the trauma), indicated by at least two of the following 1. Difficulty falling or staying asleep 2. Irritability or outbursts of anger 3. Difficulty concentrating 4.Hyper-vigilance 5. overdraw startle response Criterion E duration Duration of the disturbance (symptoms in B, C, and D) is more than one month. Criterion F functional significance The disturbance causes clinically significant distress or evil in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning. Specify if Acute if duration of symptoms is less than three months inveterate if duration of symptoms is three months or more Specify if With or without delay onset Onset of symptoms at least six months after the stressor (American Psychiatric Association, 2000)
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Philosophy of Raja Yoga Essay
For many in the West, yoga is simply just a part of your workout plan, a representation of strengthening the body, curing body ailments, and improving flexibility. As we review the philosophy of yoga well find that it is often more than a strategy of physical exercise for health, Yoga is . . . an ancient path to purportual growth. (Raphael) The word yoga is tie in to the English word yoke. A yoke is a wooden plank custom fitted on oxen to help them pull the load. The same way the yoke is unifying the cattle to the beam, yoga is the union of body, mind and spirit. (Chopra ix)We eldest find traces of yoga in ancient texts dating back to 500 B.C where they speak of uniting the sprightly within you with the light of Brahman. There are four main forms of yoga Gyan, Bhakti, Karma, and Raja, exclusively which we have coer in class, but I go forth only go into detail about Raja yoga. It wasnt until the work of Maharishi Patanjali in his Yoga Sutras that we come to see the main phil osophy of Raja yoga as it stands now. (Chopra 23) Legend has it that Patanjalis mother, Gonnika, was praying to Lord Vishnu and that he was so moved by her devotion that Vishnu asked the cosmic serpent, Ananta, to prepare for human incarnation.A speck of Anantas cosmic seed fell into Gonnikas hand, she nurtured this cosmic seed, which then soon authentic into a baby boy. Quite similar to the Christian story of the Virgin Mary and the birth of Jesus, Gonnika named her minor Patanjali from the root word pat meaning descended from heaven and Anjali the word for praying posture. Patanjali set up a system of eight branches of Raja each meant to get you closer to unification with Brahman, they are Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi. (Chapra 47) I will soon discuss all eight branches and how it compares to some catholic beliefs.The first branch of yoga, Yama, deals with how you interact with others. These social rules embroil practicing nonviolence, speaking truthfully, exercising proper sexual control, and being generous. Like Christianity and all other religious traditions they set ahead people to live ethical lives. The essence of Yama is to achieve, in Sanskrit, ahimsa. Mahatma Ghandi advocated this principle during the independence movement in India. Ahimsa means your whole body is in peace, your thoughts are nonviolent, and your actions are nonviolent.Ghandi was quoted on saying, If you express your love in such a manner that impresses itself indelibly pon your so called enemy, he must return that loveand that requires far greater courage than delivering of blows. (Chapra 33) The second branch, Niyama, are the rules of personal behavior. How does one live when no one is watching? What choices do you make when youre the only witness? Niyama yoga encourages a surrender to the divine, discipline, purity and contentment. Asana is the main branch of yoga that has great(p) in popularity in the western world. It is the thi rd branch of yoga and it deals with physical flexibility and tone. At the deepest level of asana you will achieve full mind-body integration.The different postures offer great benefits in balance, and strength, and when preformed continuously it screw also be a great aerobic exercise, but if not done properly it may cause overserious damage. Pranyama is the fourth branch of yoga, which is similar to the Christian belief of the devoted Spirit. Prana means life force. Like the Holy Spirit, prana is the deciding factor between a living being and a cadaver. It is your soul. Modern day venture derives from the fifth branch of yoga, Pratyahara. This is the process of ignoring the senses from the outer world and recognizing those in your inner world.The concept is similar to when you hold up away from food for a epoch usually your next meal is going to taste break up than normal. When you withdraw from your senses you are able to experience them again with more vibrancy. Monks walk ing on hot coals likely to feel nothing are practicing pratyahara. Dharana, the sixth branch, is the mastery of attention. This has grown in popularity by modern day quantum physics and in the book The Secret which tries to prove the law of attraction. Once you activate your attention on something, your intentions have a powerful magnetic influence to attract those same thoughts.Basically, if you set your mind to it you can achieve it. Very similar to Dharana, Dhyana, the seventh branch of yoga, is achieving complete awareness. You develop this skill in meditation, something I believe everyone should practice no matter your religious affiliation. Meditation teaches you to stay centered and awake to all possibilities, in order to be able to choose the best course of action for any obstacle. (Chapra 47) The eighth and final branch of yoga is called Samadhi. This is the belief that we are forever infinite, that although our bodies are temporarily on this planet our spirit is forever flowing in the cosmic world.Samadhis main goal is to know yourself as a spiritual being disguised as a human being. These teachings clash heavily with western philosophy of the afterlife. Christians believe that if we live good moral, ethical lives then we will be granted permission into the provide of heaven and therefore be in eternal peace. This belief, in my opinion, has been misinterpreted causing a materialistic movement. We range to believe that since we are only here on this earth once, that we are forced to make as much money as possible and to have as many things as we can while it lasts.It has also led to carelessness in our environment. When western civilization gos to realize that the earth is in fact a living organism and we share the same breath of air with everyone, then we can begin to treat the Earth as our Mother Nature not just a temporary sensitive to the afterlife. Raised into a Roman Catholic family I still hold all the same value and beliefs I grew up wit h. But I believe no one religion is right, and it is naive to see that Christianity is the only way of life. Christianity, being one of the youngest religions, was derived from many beliefs of many different religions.Similarities are everywhere, but over time, power, greed and many other factors have changed the customs and traditions to their favor. I no longer see myself as Catholic, but I am still highly spiritual. I took this course hoping to find some answers and Ive come to the realization that I dont have to be a devout henchman of any particular religion. I can take bits and pieces from various teachings to establish my own beliefs in a way thats going to help me live a morally righteous life. Namaste.
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